Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 14

Well, here we are at the 2-week mark. Seems significant, no? OK, probably not. But I think so anyway.

Have to say, I didn't put in a lot of time today, as I had other things more pressing, but work on The Mess I did, if only for a short while. "Everyday in everyway, my stuff is getting better and better . . . organized." (I hope you appreciate the parody.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Émile Coué. I even put those fancy thingies over the e's, although it took trial and error, I never remember such things. Of course, his quote was in reference to the individual getting "better and better" not so much a mess of any sort. Safe to assume then that the elimination of The Mess is working out for you on a deeper level then?